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  • 7 AM - 12 PM



With Adam Ravenscroft

Survey launched on plans to shape future of Barking and Dagenham

Residents have until November to respond to the survey (Credit: Be First)

People and businesses in Barking and Dagenham are being asked for their views on a major planning document which will shape the future of the borough. 

The Local Plan is set to provide 44,000 new homes and 20,000 new jobs in the area. 

Be First, the local council’s regeneration company, is asking residents what supporting infrastructure they would like to see created alongside the properties. 

Developers typically have to agree to contribute towards the creation of schools, green spaces or improved transport connections to get permission to build new homes. 

The council has drafted a new Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document which sets out the areas developers will have to make contributions towards in the future. 

“Planning obligations are a key part of securing key infrastructure such as schools, health and social facilities, green space and improved transport connections all needed to make sure new developments work for local people,” said Tim Thomas, head of transport, infrastructure and policy planning at Be First. 

“It is crucial that local people, businesses and organisations make their voices heard on the council’s plans for what developers should contribute to, in order to ensure new developments are appropriately supported, and as such ensuring that the borough remains a great place to live and work in.”

Anyone who would like to respond to the survey online can do so here. The consultation period will end on Monday, 7 November. 

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